I'm a girl of thirty years in life has always had the irrepressible need to express themselves and make, model, color, experiment and create. I love the colors, I love the precious stones and are of pagan religion. I believe in fairies, not in the Fairies of fairy tales, but I believe in Fairies as creatures of nature, Daughters of Mother Earth who has generated us.
I'm sure that you will get to know me through my work in this journal in which, telling my creations, I also tell myself.
My creativity is very much influenced, in fact, inseparable from my state of mind.
I create because it is a need to do so, for myself and for my life.
I wake up and the first thought is how wonderful it is, in our lives, to be able to create.
I'm what I create and often do not know why I create some things, but born out of my hands ..
I hope that we will make a beautiful journey of knowledge together and that what will come out of my hands, it can be a source of joy for you, and bring healing into your life a little 'Magic Fairy!